Friday, June 26, 2009

"The Stoned Ambassadors"

Tonight I was finally able to see my friend's new band "The Stoned Ambassadors". Hailing from the great state of New York, they received an A+ for music with "Incomplete" grade for a band name. Please, if any of you have any suggestions send them a friendly myspace message with an improvisational idea or name, I hear they are taking other names into serious consideration....

A great live show, these guys play music reminiscent of "The Jesus and Mary Chain" mixed with "Funhouse" era material from "The Stooges".

If you wish to check them out, these "Stoned Ambassadors" can be heard here.

And for fun, "The Jesus and Mary Chain" are always waiting for new listeners or returning admirers.


  1. i dig! they have a unique sound; it's a fantastic melding of a lot of different influences (think I hear some Unicorns in there?) I like it. Thanks! :-)
